Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Motherhood = Multi-tasking

I'd like to think I am a master at multi-tasking. However, just when I seem to get the hang of a schedule and doing everything a working mother of three does, I get a nice little reminder to slow down. That is pretty much how I am feeling about this feeding therapy at Mary Free Bed. Juggling therapy was okay at first. I was able to get the 2-3 daily exercises done on a regular basis at home, but now, add about 10 more exercises at repititions of 3-5 times daily, I am having a hard time keeping up. While I find therapy to be very helpful, it is just becoming annoying. I won't sugar coat it. It is. Mondays and Wednesdays are days I dread. I used to enjoy my Wednesday off. Now, it is filled with PT and OT and feeding therapy. Sick of it. I have tons of holiday stuff to do, including making Christmas cookies with the kids, and don't even feel like I have time to do that! I am running all over town on my day off, how fun is that? I never thought I would be wishing for more time to clean my house and get chores done that so desperately need my attention. To top it all off, we just added another hour of physical therapy at MFB every Wednesday. Excellent. I think I am in dire need of some therapy myself! :)

Okay. Okay. Enough of my whining. Despite all of the inconveniences of therapy and my busy life, MFB has really helped Caedyn. She is finally self-feeding but oh so picky. Cam and Case will eat just about anything in sight so having a picky eater is new to me. Quite frustrating if you have never had the pleasure (insert sarcasm) of dealing with a fussy eater. Caedyn loves PB & J, mac and cheese and of course, her Gerber baby oatmeal. She will occasionally eat chicken in small bites, pizza and mashed potatoes. It is still taking her a long time to eat but we try to keep our meal times to around 20-30 minutes. Caedyn finally has four more teeth and I think that is also helping feeding therapy to stay on the right track. We have missed the last couple sessions due to fever, snotty nose and an ear infection but plan to get right back on the horse next week.

I am hopeful that therapy continues to steer Caedyn on the right path and hopeful that February will come quickly. Not only will feeding therapy be complete but we also have our appointment with the Neurodevelopmental Clinic at HDVCH to get some answers in regards to the cerebral palsy diagnosis.
Continue to pray for Caedyn and that there will be no more seizures despite her current illness, that she continues to thrive well at therapy and that I can find more time in the day! :) Thanks for all your continued next post will include pictures. I promise!


  1. continuing to pray Daily. hope things ease up a bit and take sometime for yourself. You are doing an amazing job as a mom through support, love, and time:) If you need anything let us know!

  2. I just want you to know that I pray for your and your family everyday! You are doing a wonderful job!! I will pray for that Friday time slot too!! Years ago, when my Mom was still with us she did therapy on a little boy every week to give her Mom a break. This was when the child was a home. I'd love to do the same for you, AFTER I recover from my knee surgery!! Think about it!! Hang in there. Sending hugs.

    Jan Hearn

  3. Jen,

    I haven't met you yet but when I was in Michigan my parents kept me up to date on your daughter's health. I prayed for her often and for strength for you and your husband. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. You are an inspiration to me too! You have more than one child. That's amazing, I feel like just one child with "extra" needs is hard:) God is so good. I am thankful for his mercy, grace, and joy---I pray those same thing for you from above ;) God bless Annie Earls (Pastor Koole's daughter)
